Time For a Break and a Potential Broken Neck

Hi everyone! Well, it’s that time of year again when network television slowly starts bringing back its hit shows for yet another season. Actually, it’s more Netflix than anything else. Orange Is The New Black is back and so is Glow, not to mention a whole slew of stand-up specials and straight-to-Netflix Adam Sandler movies. Then again, that sounds like what Netflix does year-round. Anyway, I needed some sort of segue into this week’s Overexposed card, featuring the NHL’s all-time greatest stuntman, David Oliver! Yes, you read that correctly. You won’t believe this cardboard classic until you see it, so I strongly urge you all to head on over to the Hockey Hall of Shame for your weekly dose of weirdness.

In keeping with the entertainment theme of the week, you can go read a new Oakland Tribune article from the summer of ’70, a time when the Seals were up for sale, and no one knew exactly who owned the team in the first place. Trans-National Communications claimed they owned the Seals, and wanted to sell them to roller derby king Jerry Seltzer, while Barry Van Gerbig also claimed ownership, and wanted to sell the team to Charles O. Finley. You all know how things ended up, and the rest is history.

If you’ve checked out the David Oliver card, you can see where I got the “broken neck” part of this week’s title. As for the rest, well, it’s holiday time, and I’m taking a break. Don’t fret though, I’ll just be away for a week, so no new update until the last week of August. So until next time, stay gold!

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