I’ve Been Slinging Malted Milk Tryin’ to Drive the Refs Away

Hi everyone! So first, I should probably explain this week’s title. You see, I’ve been on a bit of a Robert Johnson kick lately. For those of you who don’t know about Robert Johnston, you should head on over to YouTube right now to take a listen. He was a great Delta blues singer and guitarist from the 1930s, and his finger prints are all over the greatest rock ‘n roll stars of all time: the Stones, Dylan, Cream, ZZ Top, the list goes on. There are only 41 known recorded songs from Johnson (12 of which are alternate takes), so you can listen to his complete works in less than two hours. I bought a box set of his complete works at the library for just five bucks, and I have greatly enjoyed listening to it. I was blown away by how it sounds like Johnson is right there in the room with you. Just him and his guitar. No fancy studio sweetening. No overdubs. No bass. No drums. Just a man and his guitar. There are haunting stories that claim Johnson wasn’t much of a guitar player until one day at a crossroad he cut an unholy deal with the Devil, a recurring character in many of Johnson’s songs. According to legend, Johnson developed his incredible skill almost overnight. Sadly, Johnson, like many other music legends, lived a very short life — he died at just 27 — and left us wondering what else he could have accomplished had he lived longer. His recordings from 1936 and 1937 are the only ones that exist, and they are magical. One of his songs is called “Malted Milk” and the opening line of the song is “I keep drinkin’ malted milk tryin’ to drive my blues away,” which inspired this week’s title.

Where am I going with this? Well, in researching material for my next book, I came across a story of how referee Dave Newell was once clunked on the head with a frozen chocolate malt during a Seals-Leafs game. I don’t hear the word “malt” used very often except on the famous candy bar, and in the Robert Johnson song. You might even say that Johnson and the Seals met at some sort of bizarre Delta blues-NHL crossroad. This week, I’ve posted a San Francisco Examiner article about that infamous game from February 19, 1975. The Seals had every opportunity to take down their division rivals from up North, but failed, and you can read all about it here.

Until next time, check out Robert Johnson on YouTube, or better yet, pick up one of the compilation albums on which he appears, and sit back and enjoy! Stay gold!

Making a Change Isn’t Always Easy

Hi everyone! It’s been a rather emotional day. It always is when a colleague is fired. You often don’t see it coming, and that was certainly the case today as this colleague was an important cog in the company, and the void will be huge. At this afternoon’s Zoom meeting, everyone just sat silently staring into their computer camera lens or looking down at their laps for about 15 minutes. It was probably the quietest meeting I’ve ever attended, and it felt like I was hanging around in a morgue. I was glad when it was over. Not sure what the future will bring, but I’m looking forward to getting next week started so we can at least address the elephant in the room and how we plan on moving forward.

Today’s sudden events had me thinking about the time Fred Glover lost his job with the Seals, the first time around. No one really saw that coming either despite the Seals’ poor start to the season. Charlie Finley himself had given his vote of confidence to Glover, although as we all know, that can sometimes be just like the kiss of death. Still, to fire a coach three games into the season is never expected. This week, I’ve posted an article from October 17, 1971, as the Seals were sitting 0-1-2, and last in goals against in the NHL. This piece, from John Porter of the Oakland Tribune, explores the reasons behind Glover’s sudden dismissal, and you can find it right here.

Until next time, stay gold!

A Love-Hate Relationship…

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all enjoyed a wonderful week, and had yourselves a great Labour Day weekend. And if you have kids under the age of 18, congratulations on shipping them off to school once again. Ah, time to get back to normal! Hockey season is just around the corner, folks. Even started seeing a pre-season schedule on TSN.ca a few days ago, so yes, normalcy is in the cards, so who couldn’t be happy about that.

This week I’m delving a little into what I consider to be one of the Seals’ biggest love-hate relationships. It was no secret that the Boston Bruins often ran roughshod over the Seals, especially in the years when Bobby Orr and Phil Esposito ran the power play. Boston regularly put up 50 or 60 shots on goal in those days, and they often took games by wide margins, which surely angered or frustrated more than a few people associated with the Seals. At the same time, however, Seals management must have loved it when the Bruins were planning a visit to Oakland, because it meant a huge increase in ticket sales. For instance, in 1970-71, the Bruins drew two sell-out crowds and a third crowd of over 10,000, something I can’t recall ever hearing about with any other team, including Montreal and Philadelphia. The Bruins definitely had a large following in the Bay Area. The Bruins were also the victims in some of the Seals’ greatest victories, such as Gilles Meloche’s famous 2-0 debut, and the 6-2 pummelling they suffered two years later which ended goaltender Ross Brooks’s record 14-game winning streak. You never really knew what was going to happen when the Seals and Bruins tangled.

This week’s article from the Oakland Tribune‘s John Porter is a lead-in to the Seals’ second sell-out of 1970-71. Unfortunately, like most other games against Boston that year, this one also did not go well, and the Bruins grabbed an easy two points. The article does feature many quotes from Charlie Finley, in his first year with the club, so it is a great read.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and take advantage of those last few days of fun and sun. Until next time, stay gold!


Hi everyone! Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks. Despite some dreary days weather-wise, we ended up having a tremendous holiday in the Eastern Townships, doing lots of swimming at our hotel, visiting a zoo, picking up some new clothes, and spending time with family. We also came home with a new cat, a teeny little ginger female named Jodie (the kids call her Fluffball), who weighs about two pounds, peed on my desk chair, and made my basement office smell like a barn (cat pee has a way of doing that). You would think I’d be annoyed by this turn of events, but I actually love that little cat, since she wants nothing more than to be held, and she’s given me a reason to take some little breaks during the work day. Having a new cat, not to mention still basking in the afterglow of a week’s vacation has made my week rather pleasant, and I feel rejuvenated. It’s been a nice way to conclude the summer.

The Seals had a similar moment of cleansing way back in the summer of ’74. Charlie Finley had sold the Seals a few months earlier and taken his white skates with him. New Pacific blue and gold uniforms were purchased, giving the team a much-needed makeover. High-priced players were traded away in favour of younger, and cheaper talent, which in the end, gave the team what amounted to a hockey blood transfusion. Everyone was happy to be at work. Everyone felt like good work was being done, and good times would be the norm rather than the exception going forward. It was a good time to be associated with the Seals. This week, I’ve posted a new article from the Fremont Argus all about the Seals’ interesting summer, and you can read it right here.

Until next time, have a great end to the summer, and if your kids haven’t started school yet, remember that good times are just around the corner, and the fall is going to be great. Stay gold!

Summer Blahs…

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful week. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to itch for some hockey right about now. It’s only the middle of August and training camps don’t open for another month or so, which means I’m chomping at the bit right now. All I can do to pass the time until the first puck drop is dive into things like this site, look for great deals on vintage hockey cards on eBay, and crack open a book hoping to gain some insight on something sports related, or… related to anything really. I just want my hockey back is all I’m saying. And no, sorry to all you patriotic types out there, the Olympics just ain’t gonna cut it either. Sure, I can sit down and watch an afternoon of track and field, judo, or basketball, but it just ain’t the same as an NHL game. Going to the beach, visiting family and friends, and playing mini-golf has been nice, but sometimes you just need a good old hockey game. So, if you’re feeling the same mid-summer blahs that I am, I hope this week’s update will provide some good cheer, at least for a little while.

To continue with our recent focus on the Seals’ training camp and pre-season performances, we are heading back to September 1973, as the team was looking to put its stinker 1972-73 season behind them. The Seals held their training camp in Kingston, Ontario, home to my alma mater, Queen’s University. I love Kingston for its old-timey vibe, its waterfront, and Princess Street, which when I was there, was home to more used CD and video game stores that you could shake a stick at. Not sure how the place has changed since then since I’ve only been to Kingston a handful of times in the last twenty years, but I’m sure the heart of downtown still beats vibrantly. The old arena is only a few blocks from where I used to live, and that’s where the Seals used to play some of their pre-season games. Had I known that at the time, I probably would have visited the place to do a little research and even visit the Hockey Hall of Fame located in the same building (don’t quote me on that exactly…). This week, I’ve posted an article detailing two pre-season games played in Kingston, one a win lopsided win, one a demoralizing loss. You can read all about the games right here.

I’ll be taking off for a one-week vacation with the family next weekend, so there won’t be an update for a little while, so until next time, stay gold!

Questions, Questions…

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great week and are taking advantage of some down time this weekend. I’ve been with the kids most of the week as my wife is working the day shift at the hospital. We’ve had the opportunity to do lots of swimming courtesy of some neighbours who have been out of town on vacation. As someone who works in a basement all day long, I got more sun this week than at any other time over the last twelve months, not to mention a couple of good sun burns, but it’s been worth it. It’s been so nice that it came as a bit of a shock when my wife announced to the kids that they would be going back to school in five weeks. Yes, September is just around the corner, and it will be a trying time for anyone with kids. Or anyone who has any hockey aspirations whatsoever…

This week, we’re going back to late September 1969, as the Seals are smack dab in the middle of their exhibition schedule. Difficult decisions needed to be make and not everyone was guaranteed a spot with the big club. It must be incredibly stressful for any player who is either barely old enough to play in the NHL or almost too old to hang onto a job. Training camp must be hell for all those who are only marginally talented and who never know if another paycheque will be coming, and if it does, will it have the extra zeroes that come with an NHL contract, or will it be a little light because it is signed by a minor-league general manager. This week’s article, from the Oakland Tribune‘s Spence Conley, takes stock of where the 1969-70 Seals were at as the exhibition schedule got under way. There was much optimism in the Seals’ camp, obviously, as the team was coming off a strong second-place finish, but a lot of question marks as well. You can read this week’s article right here.

Next week, I won’t be updating the site as I will be away for the long weekend, so I hope you all enjoy the rest of July, and that the summer weather holds up so that you can take advantage of some outdoor fun. Until next time, stay gold!

The Holidays Are Here!

Good day everyone and happy Friday! At long last, it is vacation time! Could not be happier to not have any work responsibilities for a couple of weeks. The weather has been beautiful as of late, we have access to a neighbour’s pool for the next week or so, and I finally have some time to dedicate to writing and researching, something I could do every day if I had the opportunity. Yes, having time off is a wonderful thing to have, and having the opportunity to just shut things down for a little while is incredibly refreshing. I often wonder what it is like to be the general manager of professional sports franchise. I imagine that even in the off-season, there is a lot of work to be done, and very little time to relax. Sure, the games are all over, but are amateur/entry drafts, free agents to sign (both your own, and those of other teams), trades to consider, marketing decisions to be made, and before you know it training camp is just around the corner. I’ve always thought that this would be fascinating job to hold down, but man, it seems like a lot of pressure 365 days a year.

This week, I decided to look into the off-season between the Seals’ first and second seasons, an incredibly pivotal time for the franchise. Not only was the team’s ownership group in negotiations to sell the franchise, but the Seals’ last-place finish meant that changes needed to be made to the roster as well. Coach and general manager Bert Olmstead was gone, so a new bench boss needed to be found. Frank Selke moved into the g.m’s seat, and would get the chance to put his finger prints all over the franchise. This week’s article from the Red Deer (Alberta) Advocate was published just days before training camp was scheduled to open, and it details the many changes that took place over the summer. Head on over to the articles section to read the piece.

I hope you all have an excellent and relaxing weekend, and that you come back soon. Until next time, stay gold!

It’s Yard Sale Season, So Let’s All Rejoice!

Hi everyone! After a few weeks away, we’re back and better than ever! One would think that now that the summer is here, free time should be had by all, but that certainly isn’t the case around here. With the kids off, that means a full slate of activities, most of which involve weekend days. There’s also the usual barbecue invitations, last-minute day trips, and afternoons spent swimming and enjoying the company of others. I hope to be able to keep the site up to date fairly frequently, but don’t worry, I don’t plan on being away for too long.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this, but I absolutely love yard sales. It’s probably my favourite summer activity. I love the feeling of handing over a very small sum of cash (sometimes even just coins!) and walking away with something cool, interesting, or practical. I still get excited about the day I picked up my external CD burner for a buck three years ago. What I love even more than making the rounds when my neighbourhood has a community rummage sale is having my very own yard sale where I can get the opportunity to get rid of all the crap I keep tripping over in my house. All of a sudden I become a 235-lb. Marie Kondo. I get a thrill just sitting outside in the shade in my drive way, sipping my coffee, chit-chatting with neighbours and strangers, and making a few bucks at the same time. And my shelves and floors are less cluttered in the process. It’s win-win! I’ve had a family yard sale on the docket for weeks now, and if the weekend weather ever cooperates with us, it will be a go next weekend.

Yard sales remind me of the summer of 1971 when the Seals decided to clean house, get rid of their veterans, and look for great deals that would hopefully yield big dividends. The Seals really had no choice but to burn the whole structure to the ground and rebuild. This week, I’ve posted a nice article from John Porter of the Oakland Tribune. It was published August 20, 1971, a few weeks before training camps were scheduled to open, and the Seals — perhaps more than any other team — had nothing but question marks in front of them. With the exception of a few key players, most players were completely unfamiliar with the guy sitting next to them in the dressing room. To read up on how training camp was shaping up that year, head on over to the articles.

Hope you all enjoyed the NHL’s customary hectic June. Stanley Cup finals, free agent sweepstakes day, the entry draft… I absolutely love ’em all! I’m already looking forward to next season! If you need your hockey fix until then, you know where to go. Until next time, stay gold!

The Oilers May Be Down, But That Doesn’t Mean You Have to Be!

Hi everyone! Ok, so the Stanley Cup final has been a bit of a dud so far. If you’ve been pulling for the Oilers, it’s been nothing short of a nightmare. It’s been pretty depressing, actually. I had high hopes for at least an entertaining series, so I’m feeling a bit disappointing. Ok, I know the series isn’t over yet, and there is always that one-in-a-million chance the Oilers accomplish the “0-3 comeback” that has eluded every other team in a similar situation for the last hundred years or so, but… it’s just been so hard to watch the Cup inching ever farther from Canadian soil.

I think I just need to be more mindful and appreciate what is going well in the present and not dwell on what has happened, and what could happen. After all, I’ve had lots of good hockey-related things happen to me recently. I was lucky enough to have been gifted with a lot of cool, unexpected things recently. A friend of mine had a bunch of old Seals cards he had received from his now-deceased father in law. My friend came over to the house to watch game one of the Oilers-Panthers series and he gave me over 70 Seals cards in marvellous condition. My Seals’ collection just got a major upgrade, and I couldn’t have been more flabbergasted and touched.

Maybe my good fortune isn’t of much interest to you, but I’ve got something good for all of you as well. I got an interesting email from subscriber Pete Manzolillo, who wanted to share a link of a very cool video featuring the Vancouver Canucks versus the California Golden Seals, circa late 1974. I think you will all agree that this is some great, rare footage! Thanks Pete for sharing this link with us!

Now I feel much better! If you’re an Oilers fan, or even just a Canadian hockey fan who badly wants to see the Cup back where it belongs, hopefully this week’s video footage makes you smile just a bit and puts you in a good mood too! The Oilers aren’t done yet as long as they take things one game at a time. Until next time, stay gold!

It’s the Little Things That Count

Hi everyone! I don’t know about any of you, but I’ve been fit by the nostalgia bug lately. I don’t know if it’s because it’s playoff time, or if I’ve just had more time to think lately, but I’ve been really digging going through my old hockey cards, surfing eBay looking for cards to complete my old sets from the mid-seventies, even helping my son make sense of his Pokemon cards. I doubt I’ll ever feel the same as I did back in the early nineties when I would buy a full box of cards and spend an hour or so tearing open pack after pack, but this feels nice too, especially now that I have a pretty sizable budget to indulge in my collecting hobby. The rush you feel when you’ve picked up a card for which you’ve been searching many months, and then you get it, and for a good price, is awesome. It’s not like jumping out of an airplane or something, but hey, I’ll take it.

For this week’s nostalgia trip, I’d like to share an interesting article about the Seals’ Al MacAdam and Dennis Maruk, who both came into their own during the 1975-76 season. The piece comes from the November 13, 1975 San Francisco Examiner, so at this point, fans were just getting a taste of what was to come from the Seals’ dynamic duo. Interestingly, there is no mention of future “3-M” linemate Bob Murdoch, which is not surprising since he hadn’t played much, if at all, with MacAdam and Maruk, but that would soon change, of course. You can read the article, written by Ken Miller, right here.

Thanks for reading my post again this week. Until next time, stay gold!