The Ballad of the Unknown Defenseman

Hi everyone! After an impromptu one-week break (It’s a long story…), we’re back with some brand new goodies. If everything goes according to plan, there will be a few more surprises in store for all of you, so come back again soon to find out what we’ve got waiting in the wings.

In the articles section this week, you can read Geoffrey Fisher’s piece on Charlie Finley’s problematic transfer of the Seals to the NHL. Hmm… this sounds eerily similar to something I’ve heard about recently. Ah, probably nothing, right? Anyway, Charlie Finley just didn’t want to give up the Seals unless he got himself a good price. This, despite having run the team into the ground. Whaddya know, Finley actually made money owning the Seals even though he couldn’t actually find a buyer. The NHL had to step in and take the team off his hands just so the league could get rid of him. Hmm… I wonder if anyone ever thought of that idea to get rid of an annoying, narcissistic, boastful, money-hungry world leader who had worn out his welcome in day two of his term? Ah, I’m probably thinking of a Simpsons episode or something. Anyway, check out Fisher’s Hockey News article from March 1, 1974 in the articles section.

As for the aforementioned “unknown defenseman” in the title to this here post, well, you’ll just have to find out what I mean by checking out this week’s Overexposed. It involves a failed Czech draft pick, some sitcom-ey camera tricks and the Hartford Whalers. Sounds like fun, don’t it?

That’s it for this week, so check back again soon to see what goodies I’ll be posting in the coming weeks. Stay gold, and stay safe!