Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all been having a wonderful weekend. I won’t keep you too long today since I’ve only made a small, but important update to the site. I realized this week that there were parts of this site that have been on my mind for a while, but for one reason or another I was putting aside and ignoring. For instance, the Contact Steve form had been down for quite some time (sorry, I’m not technologically savvy, and to fix an issue could take anywhere from an hour to an eternity). Well, I finally had some time and motivation to look into the problem, and I’m happy to say that the problem has been resolved, so try it out if you like. Also, the In Memoriam section was in dire need of an update. I think the last update was back in 2022, so yeah… That’s been taken care of as well, but if you know of any former Seals or Barons who have passed away, please let me know so I can add them to the list. I know there are plenty of non-NHL Seals who have died, and whose names may not have appeared in the media, so there is a good chance they were sadly left off the list. Finally, I made a few light updates to the Definitive Seals Record Book. Nothing major, just a few obscure records that came to light thanks to the great work done by the statisticians at Hockey-reference.com.
That’s about it for this week. If you’re anywhere near the Ottawa area, please bundle up because it’s going to be frigid next week, and if you’re lucky enough to be anywhere warm, please know that we will all be hating you for the next little while. Nothing personal… We do like winter, after all, but by mid-January we’re usually about ready to see it go away for another year. I’ll be keeping busy working on query letters and book proposals, and watching the Habs continue to kill it.
Until next time, stay gold!