Uh… Turns Out I’ll Be Needing Another Few Days After All…

Hi everyone! Due to an unexpected family emergency this week, I have had to request an extension to my deadline to complete the final edits and index of my new book, so I’ll be using the rest of the week to get all that in order. Some of you may remember my thoughts on what it’s like to create an index for a book, but for those of you who are new to this site, I’ll enlighten you a bit. Creating an index is quite possibly the most soul-sucking, headache-inducing, mind-numbing, beat-your-own-head-against-a-brick-wall part of writing a book, which is otherwise a rather pleasant experience, assuming of course that writing is your bag. But creating an index? It’s like having a very low-level data entry position at the Ministry of Nuts and Bolts, or Shoelaces, or Bowties, or some other boring as s#!t object you don’t really need to have a deep and intimate relationship with, but are forced to sift through and track in a Word document. It’s also the very, very last step in completing a book, so essentially, the worst and most tedious step comes at a time when you are getting tired of rereading the same pages over and over and over, and you just want to get this thing in the can, and move on to playing Animal Crossing again.

That said, I’m getting very excited about my new book on the Kansas City Scouts, Washington Capitals, and their 1976 exhibition series in Japan. I feel it includes some of my best writing, and McFarland Press did a great job editing the manuscript. I’m looking forward to unleashing it on the world next month, so stay tuned for more news.

Until next time, stay gold!

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