
Hi everyone! Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks. Despite some dreary days weather-wise, we ended up having a tremendous holiday in the Eastern Townships, doing lots of swimming at our hotel, visiting a zoo, picking up some new clothes, and spending time with family. We also came home with a new cat, a teeny little ginger female named Jodie (the kids call her Fluffball), who weighs about two pounds, peed on my desk chair, and made my basement office smell like a barn (cat pee has a way of doing that). You would think I’d be annoyed by this turn of events, but I actually love that little cat, since she wants nothing more than to be held, and she’s given me a reason to take some little breaks during the work day. Having a new cat, not to mention still basking in the afterglow of a week’s vacation has made my week rather pleasant, and I feel rejuvenated. It’s been a nice way to conclude the summer.

The Seals had a similar moment of cleansing way back in the summer of ’74. Charlie Finley had sold the Seals a few months earlier and taken his white skates with him. New Pacific blue and gold uniforms were purchased, giving the team a much-needed makeover. High-priced players were traded away in favour of younger, and cheaper talent, which in the end, gave the team what amounted to a hockey blood transfusion. Everyone was happy to be at work. Everyone felt like good work was being done, and good times would be the norm rather than the exception going forward. It was a good time to be associated with the Seals. This week, I’ve posted a new article from the Fremont Argus all about the Seals’ interesting summer, and you can read it right here.

Until next time, have a great end to the summer, and if your kids haven’t started school yet, remember that good times are just around the corner, and the fall is going to be great. Stay gold!