We’ve All Got the Flu and Eating Ice Chips, and Now You Can You!

Hi everyone! Just a short update today, I’m afraid. As I expected, after our son Emmett became infected with Lord-knows-what-except-it-seemed-to-linger-forever-and-ever, my wife and I have both been experiencing flu symptoms for the better part of a week and have been alternating between feeling simply “snotty” to “achy and tired” to “feeling like we want to die”. Emmett found eating ice chips to be rather soothing, but then again, he eats ice chips for fun in the middle of December. It got me thinking of those old “McDonald’s Ice Chips” that were forever prominent in the San Mateo Times‘ sports section, and these were always fun to read because they cast a light on lesser-known events and quotes in Seals history. The “Ice Chip” I wanted to share with you is from 50 years ago yesterday: February 22, 1969. You can check it out over in the articles section.

Despite my health issues this past week, I did get my new car, which has been great although a bit of an adjustment; now I actually care if I hit something or get the paint scratched, so I’m being extra cautious everywhere I go and anytime I need to use the car as some sort of temporary shelf for a freshly-bought case of beer. I also got a cheque from the Public Lending Rights Program of Canada, meaning that enough people have borrowed the book from the library that I actually made a profit out of it! Crazy. All these years, I had no idea that taking a book out of the library gave the author a few bucks (or cents). So keep spreading the word about the book. If friends and colleagues don’t want to shell out too much money for the book, tell them to find it at their local library, and if it ain’t there, tell the library to get crackin’!

Don’t forget to vote for your picks for the Seals Hall of Fame for 2019. You can vote up to three times per device too. Until next time, stay gold!