Today, It’s All About Yellow Shirts and Actin’ Casual!

Hi everyone! It has been one cold week up here in the Nation’s capital! Minus 21 Celsius on Thursday morning.  I think that’s something like -1 Fahrenheit or something, I don’t know, I never had to learn Fahrenheit in school, but trust me when I say it was freakin’ cold this week.  As I write this watching the Montreal-Ottawa Winter Classic it’s a balmy -12 Celsius and I feel like I could run to the mailbox in a Hawaiian shirt.

This will be a pretty short update this week due to the upcoming Christmas holidays and everything that involves.  Be sure to check out the latest induction to the Overexposed wing of the Hockey Hall of Shame, the most unnecessary card in hockey history.  I have literally no idea who is on this card, but maybe you’ll be able to figure it out for yourself.

In closing this week, don’t forget to vote for the newest inductees into the Seals Hall of Fame, which you can do by checking the boxes in the survey on the right side of the screen.  You can also vote for which Cleveland Barons jersey you think is best by visiting the surveys section.

One last thing… now that many of you have gone out of your way to purchase my Seals book, and have had the time to read it, I ask that if you enjoyed it, to please rate it and/or leave some comments on various sites on the Interweb.  Amazon is, of course, a great place to do so because it gets a lot of traffic, but there is also LibraryThing and Goodreads.

Until next time, stay gold!

Here are the Group C and D Winners of the Seals/Barons Uniform Playoff

Hi everyone!

This week, I’ve added a few cool new photos courtesy of Elliot Lowe, a San Francisco photographer who generously allowed me to include some of his work in my book.  Back in the mid-70s, during the Seals last season, I believe, he took several shots of the Seals.  About a week ago, he sent me a few pictures of an old Seals puck he had found in an antique store.  Judging by the fact it says “Oakland Seals” on it, it likely comes from the 1968-70 era.  The other new photo this week comes from Greg Lamont.  It is of an old Booster Club pin that he received back in 1974.  You can read all about how he received it in my book.  Greg is looking to sell his pin, so if anyone is interested in buying it, let me know and I’ll send you his e-mail address.

I’m also adding the final segment of the Seals/Barons Uniform Playoff, which, this week, features only Cleveland Barons duds.  In group C, the winner was the 1971-74 Seals home jersey with 60% of the vote, while in group D, the winner was the 1974-76 away jersey with 67% of the vote. Back in September it was announced that the winner from group A, representing the WHL years, was the Seals’ 1966-67 away jersey, while the group B winner was the 1969-70 Oakland Seals away jersey.  Just one group left to decide, and then the five winners will fight to the death to determine which uniform was the best!  Or maybe they’ll just lay there somewhere and do nothing at all since they’re just jerseys and have no will power, muscle mass, or ability to inflict harm on anything, but who knows.

I’m also adding a link to an interview I did this past Sunday for Overtime Hockey Talk.  Host Mark Paul and I talk about the Seals’ history, from the team’s origins in the Western Hockey League, to the team’s difficult first season and successful second season, Charlie Finley and the white skates (of course!), and some of my favourite Seals stories.  It’s 52 minutes, so just perfect for that morning or afternoon commute.  You can access the interview here.

One last new addition this week is a brand new Overexposed entry featuring Larry King (?).  Yeah, I know that sounds weird, but considering the other crazy crap I’ve featured in the Hockey Hall of Shame these last eighteen months, are you really surprised?

As usual, I like to finish my weekly entries by reminding everyone to cast their votes for the 2018 Seals Hall of Fame inductees.  You can vote on the right side of the page by simply clicking on the players (up to 3) you feel deserve to be inducted.

Until next time, stay gold!

Finally, the Hockey Hall of Shame Has a New Induction!

Hi everyone! Yes, it’s true, after a long hiatus, there finally is a brand new induction to the Hockey Hall of Shame this week.  I have been collecting ideas for future inductions for a while, but haven’t had the time to actually write anything because of my busy home, work, and book promotion schedule, but I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel, which means I should be able to get back to doing what I love most: mocking stupid, stupid things that have flown under the radar for lo so many years.  This week, Golden Seals Hockey presents the 1990 Team Canada World Women’s Hockey Championship uniforms, quite possibly the most insultingly awful uniforms in sports history.  I always remembered seeing the odd clip of this tournament on sports shows featuring great goals, and thinking how putrid these uniforms looked.  They just didn’t say ANYTHING about Canada, and you’ll see why this week.

Also new this week is another Overexposed beauty, this time featuring Minnesota North Star Claude Larose, and a little connection to a notorious California Golden Seals owner.  Hint: it’s the dude who came up with the “Golden Seals” moniker.

Don’t forget to cast your votes for the 2018 Seals Hall of Fame.  The survey is on the right side of the screen, and you can vote up to three times per device.

Thanks again to everyone who has gone out and bought a copy of my book.  If you haven’t done so already, please leave some feedback somewhere on the Interweb, whether it is on Amazon, Library Thing, Goodreads, or some other site.  Feedback will only drive up sales, and will get me one step closer to getting that Porsche or maybe a speedboat if I have some change leftover.

Until next time, stay gold!