I have to admit that I hesitated posting this card, because I legitimately fear what Tiger Williams could do to me. Let me make this straight that I’m not making fun of Tiger, as I never overtly make fun of any of the players on these cardboard abortions. I criticize the photographers for taking such crappy photos and I mock the card companies for giving said photos the OK, and for sometimes getting a little too liberal with the airbrushing. You know what I mean. Remember this, this, and this? I think I’ve made my point.

Anyway, Tiger Williams was one hell of a hockey player. He was a complete package of skill and grit, and he was also a fan favorite wherever he played. From his rookie season right into the early 1980s, he could give you between 15 and 30 goals year after year, and he was ready to defend his teammates at the drop of a hat.

But this card is just weird… For one thing, I’m guessing this shot was taken a microsecond before the photographer died from having that stick jammed right through his rib cage. That’s quite the nonchalant use of a deadly weapon, I must say. Tiger is not even looking at the dude he has just impaled. I can just imagine the scene…

Photog: “Alright Tiger, just turn your head to the right. Just focus on that picture on the wall over there. Pretend like your skating in on the goalie.”

Tiger: “Sure thing. (Mutters to himself) Here I come, Kenny! No way you’re stoppin’ me this time! Here I come! Take that Gainey! Take that Robinson!” (Uses stick to spear his invisible opponents)

Photog: “Uhhh… whyyyyyy?”

Tiger: “Oh geez, sorry, I was just having a Vietnam flashback sorta moment… Hey are you OK?”

Photog: “Could be better…”

End scene.

Is that what it was like playing against Tiger? Sweet Lord, no wonder he picked up 3,971 penalty minutes in his career. That’s a lot of five-minute majors there! And a lot of broken ribs.