Brendan Gallagher: “You know something, God… sometimes I just wonder if it’s all really worth it. There are so many ins and outs, things to consider, people’s feelings, the meaning of life. I mean, it’s all so complicated. What impact will it all have on me as a person. Did I really make the right decision that day? What if I hadn’t gone the route I chose? Mom always told me, “Brendan, just listen to your heart, and you can’t go wrong,” but the more I think about it, the more I wonder if Mom truly was right. I mean, you remember how she would wear that blue flowered mumu like Homer Simpson, because she thought she could pull off the look. And you know what? She might have pulled it off if she had just bought the hat he had worn in that one episode. I guess what I’m trying to say is that on that day I started having second thoughts about Mom’s little nuggets of wisdom. And now… oh God, did I really make the right decision to have that Big Mac? There was a Burger King just across the street, and it was Whopper Wednesday, but I didn’t go for it. Yes, I listened to my heart that day, but… I don’t know, God. I really need some advice… Oh, and can you give Nikita Kucherov the flu or something before tonight’s game? That would be great. Thanks. Sincerely, Brendan.”