Have you ever watched a sitcom in which the same actor plays two different characters, and every time these two characters are in the same scene, in order to save money (I presume… I really don’t know), the director points the camera so that you clearly see the actor’s face and the back of the head of some body double.

Ok, so Friends is the only example I could find on short notice, but you get my point. Every time I see this card, I can’t help but think that this is not actually Martin Hamrlik but really Roman Hamrlik, or my cousin Murray, or my high school Spanish teacher, or the guy who sold me my first bike. Who knows?

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If I ever run into Martin Hamrlik on the street, I’ll be sure to ask him to prove his identity.

Apparently, Martin was drafted 31st overall by Hartford, but things didn’t work out so well as he never actually graduated to the NHL. Maybe the Whalers brass went out looking for him by comparing this card to the people they ran into on the streets of Czechoslovakia, but when they couldn’t I.D. him they just gave up… Oh, ok, Martin’s face is on the back of the card, but that just ruins the fantasy now, doesn’t it?