There hasn’t been a lot of good that has come out of 2020. Riots in the street. Non stop conspiracy theories floating around the mainstream and not-so-maintstream media. Oh yeah, and also the worst global pandemic in over 100 years. It’s been a great year, hasn’t it? Well, I’ve got more garbage to add to the pile, and it comes courtesy of two of the more successful NHL teams in recent years.

This pandemic has been making everyone a little bit crazy. What once was considered an absolutely mind-numbingly stupid idea now passes as something great. Well, I’m not that crazy yet. I present to you two of the dumbest uniform ideas of the 21st century courtesy of the Dallas Stars and Vegas Golden Knights, two of the first of, I’m sure, many teams who are going to force their players to skate out onto the ice in Halloween costumes.

You want a Halloween fright? Check this out…


What in the hell is that. Is this Dallas’s way of telling me that neon freakin’ green is going to be the next wave in NHL uniforms?

Check out the full uniform here and tell me this looks ok. I dare you!

I don’t know what is up with that visor, but they may be planning on dressing a bunch of cyborgs next season. Don’t believe me? Lookee here…

I know that if Detroit is planning on going the futuristic uniform route, there’s a template right there.

Neon should never be used in a sports uniform. Who do the Stars think they are? The only stars who should be allowed to get away with that kind of neon are these guys…

I’m not a religious person, but GOD BLESS YOU BOYS and thank you for the gift of your music November 13. But I digress… back to the subject at hand.

I give you exhibit B: the Vegas Golden Showgirls… I mean Knights.

You can probably see how I got confused.

You can’t? Well, that’s understandable, I suppose. Ok, I see your point. But before you start thinking I have gone crazy from this pandemic, I would like you to take a long, hard look at this.

Still don’t see it? How about now?


If that doesn’t scream Happy Halloween, I don’t know what does.