That would be Jordan Nolan trying to read the name plate on Jeff Petry’s back. I don’t know about you, but if you need to be that close to read big white block letters on a blue background, you may want to look into getting some glasses.
By the way, I don’t know what is going on behind Jordan, but it certainly got the attention of everyone sitting behind the glass, so it must be something pretty important. Even Jeff is looking behind him, but poor Jordan just can’t quite focus on that bedeviling name plate, and it’s really got his attention. Maybe he’s trying to see if in Edmonton they wash their uniforms or have them dry cleaned.
I really hope poor Jordan found the information he was looking for. It’s a shame hockey cards don’t answer some of those life-altering questions like that, so I guess Jordan’s quest will forever remain a mystery much like the meaning of life and those big stone statues on Easter Island.