With Game of Thrones recently coming to an end, and talk of a GOT prequel that may or may not ever get made thanks to this coronavirus, I got thinking about all the forms of medieval torture and execution that were used to either extract information from people or just punish them really, really severely one last time before they headed off to that big castle in the sky. One of the most notorious forms of execution was being drawn and quartered, which basically consisted of tying some poor sap to four horses and then getting all four of them to take off at the same time. You can probably guess how that usually ended, but if you can’t, the card above might help give you a bit of a visual.

Poor Johan! He’s literally being pulled apart in every direction. First, Johan’s got some dude on his left, perhaps an Islander, grabbing the panther on his jersey like said dude desperately wants to give Johan (and maybe even the cat) a purple nurple. Then Johan may or may not have someone pulling on his stick from his right side. Hard to tell though since Johan might just be pointing it at the referee to get his attention and have him put an end to this mugging. Johan also appears to have some random shoved up his ass. What a lovely way for Leaf to commemorate his first season in Florida!