Beep! Beep! Anyone up for hitting the back nine?

Those of you who have been coming back to this site for a few years now may remember how I dumped on two Upper Deck “Be a Player” sets from the mid-1990s. If you haven’t read those inductions yet, I urge you to do so now here and here.

While those two inductions are among my absolute favorites due in part to the sheer idiocy that went behind their creation. I’m starting to think though that I may have been a tad harsh in my comments about those two sets, especially the fact that they seemed obsessed by hockey players playing golf. I don’t regret the comments themselves; they were awesome and justified, in my opinion. No, what I regret is that I felt I laid blame on Upper Deck for unleashing such a dumb concept to the world of sports cards. For that I truly apologize, for Topps in fact published hockey player/golf cards long before Upper Deck ever did. I give you this week’s induction into the Overexposed wing of the Hockey Hall of Shame, this Mike Ricci card from the Topps Stadium Club series from 1992-93.

Let’s analyze this beaut, shall we? First thing I have to say is that it is definitely a product of its time. Mike is sporting the ever prominent early-to-mid 90s hockey mullet. He’s definitely all business on top and partying hard in the back. I would know, because that’s the exact same “do” I had back in the day (Don’t ask).

Another thing you may have noticed are Mike’s hands. Why is he pretending to drive his golf cart? For one thing, there’s an actual steering wheel right in front of him, and second, he was 21 years old at the time. Yet, he’s driving this golf cart like my son used to drive his toy car around the house when he was two. Look at how teeny tiny that pretend steering wheel is. His hands couldn’t be more than three inches apart.

VROOM! VROOM! indeed.