There’s a lot to love about this card, but the thing I love the most about it is the back.

They actually went with Roenick’s awkward expression on the front of the card for the photo on the back of the card! Let’s take a closer look at that thing, shall we?

Classic! Why wouldn’t you want to put that on your hockey card twice? That’s one thing to think about, but how about the reason why he’s making that lovely face. You could blame it on the stick nestled in the upper regions of his crotch sure, but what if he’s trying out his impression of Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys? Damn, Jeremy is a spitting image of Sunnyvale’s resident kitty and dope lover. Don’t believe me? Check this out!

All Roenick’s missing is the glasses, but the NHL of the 90s just never really went for that old Al Arbour look. But we can dream, can’t we, about how awesome it would be if Jeremy Roenick really did believe he was a Trailer Park Boy and it was the league who stopped him from achieving his dream of being an television entertainer?

Yes we can…